The incorporation of user experience awareness in corporate development is a challenge that requires organizational and persuasive management competences. A focus on the user and usability issues is still regarded as a new and modern approach, which is not yet introduced as a regular or common activity. Strategic issues can change rapidly and have to be adopted accordingly. Strategic user research includes activities that foster and motivate usability related activities within organizations, fields and branches.
To shift the mentality within an organization from a focus on technology towards a focus on the user takes a lot of time and energy and is different in every organization. Introducing usability engineering procedures and user experience methodologies to product development cycles is often a challenge. Establishing these as a regular and accepted part of the cycles requires even more effort and power of persuasion. Expertise, endurance and competence are required to make sure that this process is successful and sustainable, and that products are developed that fit to real user needs.
Teaching HCI and usability engineering is always connected with new necessities, requirements, and restrictions. Therefore CURE developed new concepts and procedures that are tailored to the specific requirements of “HCI-teaching”.